

2021-06-28 15:11:27   来源:网络    点击:

A型最适设计    A-optimal design
A型最适离散设计    A-optimal discrete design
Abbe-Helmert准则    Abbe-Helmert criterion
美、英、加标准(美军标准105D)    ABC standard (MIL-STD-105D)
非常态曲线    abnormal curve
非常态性    abnormality
简易生命表    abridged life table
突出分布;突出分配    abrupt distribution
绝对连续性    absolute continuity
绝对离差    absolute deviation
绝对离势    absolute dispersion
绝对有效性    absolute efficiency
估计量的绝对有效性    absolute efficiency of estimator
绝对误差    absolute error
绝对次数    absolute frequency
绝对测度    absolute measure
绝对动差    absolute moment
绝对常态计分检定    absolute normal score test
绝对临界    absolute threshold
绝对变异    absolute variation
绝对不偏估计量    absolutely unbiased estimator
吸收界限    absorbing barrier
吸收状态    absorbing state
吸收系数    absorption coefficient
吸收分布    absorption distributions
吸收律    absorption law
加速因子    accelerated factor
加速寿命试验    accelerated life test
加速随机逼近    accelerated stochastic approximation
加速试验    accelerated test
乘幂加速近似    acceleration by powering
允收制程水准    acceptable process level
允收品质    acceptable quality
允收品质水准    acceptable quality level (AQL)
允收可靠度水准    acceptable reliability level (ARL)
允收;验收    acceptance
接受界限;允收界线    acceptance boundary
允收系数    acceptance coefficient
允收管制图    acceptance control chart
允收管制界限    acceptance control limit
接受准则;允收准则    acceptance criterion
允收误差    acceptance error
允收检验    acceptance inspection
允收界限    acceptance limit
允收界线    acceptance line
允收数    acceptance number
接受域;允收域    acceptance region
允收抽样    acceptance sampling
属性允收抽样;计数值允收抽样    acceptance sampling by attributes
属量允收抽样;计量值允收抽样    acceptance sampling by variables
允收抽样计画    acceptance sampling plan
允收抽样方案;允收抽样计画    acceptance sampling scheme
允收检定;验收检定    acceptance testing
允收值    acceptance value
接受区;允收区    acceptance zone
接近时间;故障诊断时间    access time
接近性;故障诊断性    accessibility
可达界限点    accessible boundary point
可达点    accessible point
事故统计    accident statistics
偶然误差    accidental error
偶然波动    accidental fluctuation
偶然移动    accidental movement
偶然变异    accidental variation
国民所得帐    accounts of national income
累积离差    accumulated deviation
累积次数    accumulated frequency
累积过程    accumulated process
准确度;准确性    accuracy
估计准确度    accuracy of estimation
取得成本    acquisition cost
行动    action
行动空间    action space
主动备便    active standby
实际次数    actual frequency实际数    actual number
实际值    actual value
保险精算师    actuary
适应性    adaptability
适应控制    adaptive control
适应估计    adaptive estimation
适应估计量    adaptive estimator
适应推论    adaptive inference
适应的M型估计量    adaptive M-estimator
适应最适性    adaptive optimization
适应品质管制    adaptive quality control
适应的R型估计量    adaptive R-estimator
适应值    adaptive value
适应的截尾平均数    adaptively trimmed mean
累积寿命期    addition of life length
机率加法法则    addition rule of probability
加法(随机漫步)过程;可加(随机漫步)过程    additive (random walk) process
加法函数    additive function
加法模型    additive model
加法运算    additive operation
可加性    additive property
加法定理    additive theorem
可加性双向配置;可加性双因子配置    additive two-way lay-out
可加性    additivity
平均数可加性    additivity of means可加性检定    additivity test
附着机率    adherent probabilities
伴随矩阵    adjoint matrix
调整平均数    adjusted average
调整判定系数    adjusted coefficient of determination
调整平均数    adjusted mean
调整值    adjusted value
调整因子;调整系数    adjustment factor
链比的修正    adjustment of chain relatives
行政时间    administrative time
可容性    admissibility
贝氏估计量的可容性    admissibility of Bayes estimator
可容决策函数    admissible decision function
可容决策规则    admissible decision rule
可容设计    admissible design
可容估计量    admissible estimator
可容假设    admissible hypothesis
可容数    admissible number
可容区域    admissible region
可容策略    admissible strategy
可容检定    admissible test
采用值    adopted value
仿射α可分解性    affine α-resolvability
仿射性    affinity
年龄构成    age composition年龄相依生死过程    age dependent birth and death process
年龄分布    age distribution
年龄组    age group
年龄相依生死过程    age-dependent birth and death process
年龄相依分支过程    age-dependent branching process
年龄别性别死亡率    age-sex specific death rate
年龄别死亡率    age-specific death rate
年龄别生育率    age-specific fertility rate
老年幼年比    aged-child ratio
综合指数    aggregate index number
总市值    aggregate market value
总面值    aggregate par value
综合值加权法    aggregate-value method of weighting
总合    aggregation
综合指数    aggregative index
总合模型    aggregative model
老化指数    aging index
老化过程    aging process
农业灾害统计    agricultural damage statistics
农业劳动生产力指数    agricultural labor productivity index
农业土地生产力指数    agricultural land productivity index
农产品产地价格    agricultural prices at farm gate
农业生产指数    agricultural production indices
农、林、渔、牧、狩猎工作人员    agricultural;forestry and fishery workers;animal producers;hunters and trappers
农业普查    agriculture census农业人口    agriculture population
农业生产统计    agriculture production statistics
农、林、渔、牧业普查    agriculture;forestry;fishing;livestock censuses
标的精度    aimed precision
Aitken估计量    Aitken estimator
Ajne的An检定    Ajne's An test
随机变数    aleatory variable
演算法    algorithm
假名;别名    alias
假次数    aliased frequencies
余相关    alienation
余相关系数    alienation coefficient
列线图    alignment chart
所有可能回归法    all possible regression
配置    allocation
样本配置    allocation of a sample
可靠度配置    allocation of reliability
异峰度的    allokurtic
异峰度曲线    allokurtic curre
可允许缺点    allowable defects
几乎可容决策函数    almost admissible decision function
几乎到处收敛    almost certain convergence
几乎必然地    almost certainly
几乎等变异数    almost equivariance
几乎到处    almost everywhere几乎到处收敛    almost everywhere convergence
几乎到处收敛    almost sure convergence
几乎必然地    almost surely
欧特(Alter)周期图    Alter periodiagram
交替更新过程    alternating renewal process
对立假设    alternative hypothesis
组间变异    among class variation
资讯量    amount of information
检验量    amount of inspection
幅度    amplitude
幅比    amplitude ratio
娱乐指数    amusement index
娱乐统计    amusement statistics
类比计算机    analogue computer
类比    analogy
分析图    analysis chart
属性资料分析;计数资料分析    analysis of attribute data
相关分析    analysis of correlation
互变异分析    analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
互变异分析模型    analysis of covariance model
互变异分析表    analysis of covariance table
离势分析    analysis of dispersion
平均数分析    analysis of means
回归分析    analysis of regression
允差分析    analysis of tolerance不确定性分析    analysis of uncertainty
变异性分析    analysis of variability
变异数分析模型    analysis of variance model
变异数分析    analysis of variance (ANOVA)
变异数分析表    analysis of variance table
分析回归;解析回归    analytic regression
解析调查    analytic survey
分析趋势    analytic trend
分析误差    analytical error
分析表    analytical table
辅助    ancillarity
辅助概度    ancillarity likelihood
辅助估计量    ancillary estimator
辅助讯息    ancillary information
辅助统计量    ancillary statistic
Anderson分类统计量    Anderson's classification statistic
Anderson-Darling统计量    Anderson-Darling statistic
Andrews的Fourier型描点图    Andrews' Fourier-type plot
角变换    angular transformation
角变数    angular variables
异类分布    anisotropic distribution
年减量    annual decrement
年增量    annual increment
年总增加率    annual rate of total increase
岁入与岁出    annual receipts arid outlays不等偏态的    anomic
Anosov定理    Anosov's theorem
Ansari-Bradley离势检定    Ansari-Bradley dispersion test
反秩    anti-rank
反众数    antimode
反数列    antiseries
对立变换    antithetic transforms
对立变量    antithetic variates
反向回归函数;逆序回归函数    antitonic regression function
非周期状态    aperiodic state
应用统计学    applied statistics
鉴定成本;评估成本    appraisal cost
品质评估    appraisal of quality
评估制度    appraisal system
近似误差    approximate error
近似F分布;近似F分配    approximate F-distribution
近似常态性    approximate normality
实验设计的近似理论    approximate theory of experimental designs
近似变异数    approximate variance
近似;逼近    approximation
近似误差    approximation error
逼近理论    approximation theory
水产养殖统计    aquaculture statistics
随意性    arbitrariness
暂定平均数    arbitrary average暂定平均数    arbitrary mean
暂定原点    arbitrary origin
暂定尺度    arbitrary scale
反正弦分布;反正弦分配    arc sine distribution
反正弦变换    arc sine transformation
地区长条图    area bar chart
地区图    area chart
地区比较因子    area comparability factor
地区图解    area diagram
地区图    area graph
地区样本    area sample
地区抽样    area sampling
Arfwedson分布;Arfwedson分配    Arfwedson distribution
算术平均数    arithmetic average
算术交叉    arithmetic cross
算术图    arithmetic graph
算术线图    arithmetic line chart
算术平均数    arithmetic mean
算术机率纸    arithmetic probability paper
算术尺度    arithmetic scale
Armitage受制程序    Armitage's restricted procedure
Arnold分布;Arnold分配    Arnold distribution
序列;阵    array
序列分布;序列分配    array distribution
到达分布;到达分配    arrival distribution人工智慧    artificial intelligence (AI)
拟变数    artificial variable
递增因素    ascending factor
递增次序    ascending order
确定误差    ascertainment error
试验;分析    assay
装配检验    assembly inspection
评估可靠度    assessed reliability
评估值    assessed value
可寻原因    assignable cause
可寻变异    assignable variation
指派模型    assignment model
指派问题    assignment problem
可相联设计    associable design
相联组    associate class
相联二元随机变数    associated binary random variables
相联元件    associated components
相联因变数    associated dependent variable
相联因子组    associated factor sets
时间相联的    associated in time
相联随机变数    associated random variables
相联变量    associated variate
相联处理    associates
相联    association
相联分析    association analysis相联系数    association coefficient
属性相联    association of attributes
相联方案    association scheme
相联表    association table
假定平均数    assumed average
假定平均数    assumed mean
假定中位数    assumed median
假定原点    assumed origin
假设;前提    assumption
品质保证    assurance quality
显著性的星标    asterisk for significance
天文统计    astronomical statistics
不对称分布;不对称分配    asymmetrical distribution
不对称因子设计    asymmetrical factorial design
不对称检定    asymmetrical test
不对称截尾平均数    asymmetrically trimmed mean
不对称性    asymmetry
渐近线    asymptote
渐近贝氏程序    asymptotic Bayes procedure
渐近偏误    asymptotic bias
渐近分布;渐近分配    asymptotic distribution
概度比率的渐近分布;概度比率的渐近分配    asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio
最大概度估计量渐近分布;最大概度估计量渐近分配    asymptotic distribution of maximum likelihood estimator
渐近效率    asymptotic efficiency
贝式估计量渐近效率    asymptotic efficiency of Bayes estimators渐近展开式    asymptotic expansion
动差渐近展开式    asymptotic expansion of moments
渐近推论    asymptotic inference
渐近平均值    asymptotic mean
渐近大中取小性质    asymptotic minimax property
渐近常态性    asymptotic normality
顺序统计量的渐近常态性    asymptotic normality of order statistics
最大概度估计量的渐近最适性    asymptotic optimality of maximum likelihood estimator
渐近检力    asymptotic power
尼曼-皮逊检定的渐近检力    asymptotic power of Neyman-Pearson (N-P)test
均匀最强力检定的渐近检力    asymptotic power of uniformly most powerful test
渐近相对效率    asymptotic relative efficiency
渐近标准误差    asymptotic standard error
渐近理论    asymptotic theory
渐近变异数    asymptotic variance
渐近有效估计量    asymptotically efficient estimator
渐近局部最适设计    asymptotically locally optimal design
渐近最强力检定    asymptotically most powerful test
渐近最短不偏信赖区间    asymptotically shortest unbiased confidence interval
渐近平稳的    asymptotically stationary
渐近次大中取小的    asymptotically subminimax
渐近不偏估计量    asymptotically unbiased estimator
渐近不偏最强力检定    asymptotically unbiased most powerful test
渐近弱辅助的    asymptotically weakly ancillary
按固定价格    at constant prices按当期价格    at current prices
按要素成本    at factor cost
按市价    at market prices
疾病侵袭率    attack rate
减弱;衰减    attenuation
减弱相关法    attenuation correlation method
属性;计数值    attribute
属性分类    attribute classification
属性资料    attribute data
属性检验    attribute inspection
属性量测值    attribute measurement
属性抽样    attribute sampling
属性统计    attribute statistics
属性检定    attribute testing
属性值;计数值    attribute value
稽核检验    audit inspection
自我频谱    auto spectrum
自触曲线;自身成长曲线    auto-catalytic curve
自身相关母体    autocorrelated population
自身相关    autocorrelation
自身相关系数    autocorrelation coefficient
自身相关函数    autocorrelation function
自我互变异数    autocovariance
自我互变异函数    autocovariance function
自我互变异生成函数    autocovariance generating function自动交互作用侦测    automatic interaction detection(AID)
自动切换复联    automatic switch-over redundancy
自主方程式    autonomous equation
自身回归;自回归    autoregression
自身回归整合移动平均模型(ARIMA模型)    autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA model)
自身回归模型(AR模型)    autoregressive model (AR model)
自身回归移动平均模型(ARMA模型)    autoregressive moving average model (ARMA model)
自身回归算子    autoregressive operator
自身回归过程    autoregressive process
P阶自身回归过程    autoregressive process of order P
自身回归方案    autoregressive scheme
自身回归数列    autoregressive series
自身回归变换    autoregressive transformation
辅助资讯    auxiliary information
辅助动差    auxiliary moment
辅助统计量    auxiliary statistic
可用度    availability
可用特性    available characteristic
平均数    average
平均检验量    average amount of inspection
平均数及全距管制图    average and range chart
年平均每日交通量    average annual daily traffic
平均项目连串长度    average article run length
平均可用度    average availability
分组平均校正    average correction for grouping平均临界值法    average critical value method
平均离差    average deviation
对平均数的平均离差    average deviation about the mean
平均发散度    average divergence
平均误差    average error
平均额外不良品界限    average extra defectives limit
平均不准确度    average inaccuracy
平均组间相关    average intercorrelation
平均组内相关    average intracorrelation
平均连接    average linkage
平均不良数    average number of defects
平均不良数管制图    average number of defects chart
比值平均    average of relatives
平均出厂水准    average outgoing level
平均出厂品质    average outgoing quality (AOQ)
平均出厂品质曲线    average outgoing quality curve
平均出厂品质水准    average outgoing quality level
平均出厂品质界限    average outgoing quality limit (AOQL)
平均消费倾向    average propensity to consume
平均储蓄倾向    average propensity to save
平均品质水准    average quality level
平均品质水准线    average quality level line
平均品质线    average quality line
平均品质保护    average quality protection
平均全距    average range平均连串长度    average run length
平均样本数    average sample number (ASN)
平均样本数曲线    average sample number curve
平均样本数函数    average sample number function
平均样本连串长度    average sample run length
平均样本大小    average sample size (ASS)
平均样本大小曲线    average sample size curve
平均抽样    average sampling
平均斜率    average slope
平均总检验数    average total inspection (ATI)
平均总检验数曲线    average total inspection curve
平均值    average value
国民平均教育年数    average years for formal education
可避原因    avoidable cause
可避免的品质成本    avoidable quality cost
轴分布    axial distribution
轴向量    axial vector
机率公设    axioms of probability
横轴    axis of abscissa
纵轴    axis of ordinate
轴测图    axonometric chart
轴测法;轴量法    axonometry