
英译中医学翻译也需求 信达雅—以医疗器械为例

2021-06-03 14:55:44   来源:网络    点击:

    医学是一门科学,其作品的翻译也应如其他科学作品的翻译那样,一定要做到。不过,医学作品尚有它本身的特点。那就是,英语医学著作的文体结构常较多样化,用词严谨讲究,修辞比一般科学作品要优美些,甚至有时颇具文学格调。因此,医学作品的翻译尚应求。这一点,不应忽视。医学作品翻译之所以要求,根本原因在于医学本身虽是一门科学,但其所涉内容包罗万象 —— 从人类到整个生物圈,从地理到天文,从遗传到环境,从物质生活到精神世界,如此等等。要反映如此浩瀚的内容,医学著作的文字表达必然要十分丰富。再则,医学家在国外是属于极有知识和受过良好教育的社会阶层,他们的文学修养水平是相当高的。

[例一] Humans are the only species known to live decades, past their productive yearsOther species succumb to predators or diseases while still in the prime ——Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide P



        “在各种物种中,过了生育年龄而尚能继续活上数十年者,已知的仅人类而已。至于其他动物,则在生命旺盛之年就被捕食或夭亡了。 [例二] What is harder to explain is that many men have a very smal1slow-growing carcer restricted to the inside of the prostate that is unlikely to spreadMen in whom such cancers are discovered never needed to know about itand never needed to be treated for itSuch cancers are more likely as men grow olderThese men are more likely to die of the disease rather than from tile diseaseIn genera1, I think there is little value in screening man with a life expectancy of less than 10 years — — Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide



 试译如下:比较难于说明是:有许多男性得的是一种体积 小且生长缓慢的癌变。它局限于前列腺内,不大可能转移。得此类癌症的患者,生前对此一无所知,也从不需要治疗 患这类前列腺癌的可能性随着年龄的 增长而增加。但患者更可能是带着它而死去,而不是 死于它。总而言之,我认为对预期 寿命 ’不超过l0 年的男性进行前列腺癌的普查,是没有多大意义的。
         [例三] Lifeas an old pop song put itis a carnivala kaleidoscope of experience and eventsa dizzying sequence of changesof growthmaturation and decline. Change is the salt sea in which we swimIn the course of Life’s voyagewe learn to adapt to each shifting current, ever yedding the crest of a wave or bailing out its through — — Living With Arthritis P7


