

2023-03-14 14:27:12   来源:网络    点击:

a.一个简单句有两个基本成分: 主语和谓语动词,两者缺一不可。
1.In China has more than 100 millionsubscribers to cable television.
China has more than 100 million subscribersto cable television.
2. One of the many benefits of travelingoverseas learning how to cope with theunexpected.
One of the many benefits of travelingoverseas is learning how to cope with theunexpected
Those who overweight or indulge inunhealthy diets are candidates for heartattacks
Those who are overweight or indulge inunhealthy diets are candidates for heartattacks
A marked character of cooperative learning isthat personal success only springs from.A marked character of cooperative learning isthat personal success only springs from groupsuccess.
Divorce is more common:in.CO
Divorce is more common than it was onegeneration ago.
Smoking, drinking are banned in manyplaces of work
Smoking and drinking are banned inmany places of work.
1. The media distorts reality, categories things as allgood or all bad.
The media distorts reality and categories things as allgood or all bad.
2. lt is unclear recycling can help control pollution.It is unclear whether recycling can help control pollution.3. It is advertising makes us buy something on a whim.It is advertising that makes us buy something on awhim.

More people would prefer cycling, walkingif conditions were right.
More people would prefer cycling orwalking if conditions were right.

3.疑问词who,what, which, where, how和when后直接加不定式可构成一种特殊的不定式短语,它在句子中可以用作主语、宾语、表语等。
例: We do not know what do next, aswe have never seen anything like it.We do not know what to do next,aswe have never seen anything like it.
4. however, therefore, otherwise, thus,hence等副词常被误认为是连词,这些词是不可以连接句子的。
例: Today,many young people prefer to eatfast food such as fried chicken. or pizza in fastfood restaurant,therefore,young people havea greater risk of overweight.
Today,many young people prefer to eatfast food such as fried chicken, or pizza in fastfood restaurants; therefore,young peoplehave a greater risk of overweight.

Although the crime rate is falling in manyparts of the world, but violent crimes areconstantly rampant.
Although the crime rate is falling in manyparts of the world, violent crimes areconstantly rampant.cin.com
g.用词避免累赘,同义词或近义词最好不要同时出现Teamwork is indispensable, essential andcrucial if you are not an experiencedlearner or worker.
Teamwork is indispensable if you are notan experienced learner or worker

This trend can persisted for years.
This trend can persist for years
Clothes for travel should waslightweight and practical.
Clothes for travel should be lightweightand practical.
b.助动词,主要有: do(does,did), be (amis, are, was, were), have (has, had), shall(should), will (would)
The budget of a country should be balanceeach year.
The budget of a country should bebalanced each year.
c.有些句子的谓语动词由助动词 (或情态动词) 与实义动词构成,以构成一定的语态或时态。
Obesity has a problem to most Americansfor decades.
Obesity has been a problem to mostAmericans for decades.
1. Trade is consisted of the exchange ofgoods and that of services
Trade consists of the exchange of goodsand that of services
。2.Consumer confidence will improve,which is crucial to an economic recoveryConsumer confidence will be improvedwhich is crucial to an economic recovery。
At the nursing home, elders can be wellcared.
At the nursing home, elders can be wellcared for.
1. Raising standards of literacy are thegovernment's priority.
Raising standards of literacy is thegovernment's priority.
2. To rear a child alone are challengingto any parent.
To rear a child alone is challenging toany parent.
b.当主语后跟着with,together with,coupleowith, combined with,as well as,like等词弓导的短语时,谓语动词的数跟前面主语的数保持一致。
Overworking, coupled with poor diet, leadto physical degeneration.
c.不定代词anybody, anything, everybodyeverything, nobody, nothing, somebody,something,each,none等作主语,谓语动词用单数。
Even if somebody fall sick, everything goon as usual.
g.the number of+名词的复数,后面谓语动词用单数; a number of +名词的复数,后面谓语动词用复数; a huge amount of +不可数名词,后面谓语动词用单数。
A significant number of young people hasbeen leaving the countryside for urbanareas.
A significant number of young people havebeen leaving the countryside for urbanareas.
 will discuss in some detail will discuss this topic in some detail
1. The accident was similar to one thatwas happened last year.
The accident was similar to one thathappened last year.
2.I disagree many points made by thesupporters of globalization.
I disagree with many points made by thesupporters of globalization.
c.有些动词词组不用被动语态。常见的有depend on, rely on, survive on, arise form.stem from, belong to, consist of,等等。1.Many museum and libraries are dependedentirely on donations from the publicMany museum and libraries depend entirely ondonations from the public.2. A successful organization should not beconsisted entirely of older people.A successful organization should not consistentirely of older people.
d.有一些及物动词后面常跟双宾语,构成主语+谓语动词+双宾语的基本句型(如bringdeny, grant, rend,show等等)
We should not deny children that theyhave the opportunity to study what theylike.
e.有一些及物动词后面跟宾语和宾语补足语,构成主语+谓语动词+宾语+宾语补足语的基本句型。注意: make,have,let这三个使役动词后面跟的宾语补足语常用不加to的动词不定式。
1.This photograph makes me to look about 60This photograph makes me look about 602. Whether we like it or not, our families shapeour lives and make us to be what we are.
Whether we like it or not, our families shape ourlives and make us what we are.
